Thank You, Love, For Being My #1 Groupie

Thank You, Love, For Being My #1 Groupie

Early on, at our first “office” based at a beach house in Fairfield, CT

When I first started dating my wife, my business was in its infancy and many people laughed at the concept altogether. Not my wife. She proudly declared herself The Junkluggers #1 groupie and has offered endless support ever since. She has gone around town displaying her Junklugger green gear, volunteered with me to help cleanup in the Rockaways on her days off after Hurricane Sandy, and a few times, I got her to hop on a truck with me to help haul away items for a last minute request from a customer in need. She even let us arrange our wedding colors around the company colors!

Volunteering in The Rockaways after Hurricane Sandy Our wedding. She helped pick out my green gear.

Since you will most likely check this article for grammar and spelling errors, I will use this as an opportunity to say:

Thank you for letting me work my tail off. Even when it means “occasionally” ignoring you when you talk as I’m lost in thought, or typing away on e-mail when we are supposed to be watching TV together.

Thank you, darling, for being my therapist on demand. I have many stressful days. You are remarkably understanding and are always there to lend an ear and provide words of wisdom (it has saved us a lot of money on therapy bills too ).

You have been an invaluable support system through so many ups and downs. You see the passion in my eyes and allow me to follow my dreams with unwavering support and encouragement. Thank You.

This Valentine’s Day, I hope that in the time to come, all of you reading this, will be blessed with the love and support I feel so lucky to have. It has been monumental over the past seven years I have known her, and undoubtedly will be just as important in the years to come.

Happy Valentine’s Day!
