Moving with Pets: Things to Remember

Moving with Pets: Things to Remember

Moving to a new home is already tough for us humans, so you can only imagine how challenging (and confusing) it can be for our furry companions. Because our pets are also an important part of the family, you should take them into account when creating plans for your upcoming move. This will make the transition much easier not only for them, but for you as well. Here are some helpful tips you should consider when relocating with your pets.

1. Hire a moving company

Dog Waiting To Be Fed FoodYou should hire a moving company to help you pack and move your things. This will enable you to focus your energy on getting your pets ready for the relocation. What’s more, enlisting the assistance of the experts allows you to quickly complete the moving process in the soonest possible time so you can have plenty of time to get settled in your new home / make sure it is pet proof.

2. Pet proof your new home

Couple Walking Their DogBefore you move into the new space, tuck away wires or other hazards and make sure all windows have secure screens. Do a sweep for any pesticides or repellents that could be dangerous for furry friends that might have been left in the new house from the previous owners and remove them before your pet arrives.

3. Have a vet check up your pet

Veterinarian Checking Out A PuppyMake sure to bring your pets to the vet for a check-up. This is very important, especially if you’re moving interstate as it can help you determine if your beloved furry companions are safe to travel. This also allows you to secure their veterinary records and health certificate. You may need these documents as there is a chance that you’ll be asked to present them when you move to your new home.

4. Get your pets accustomed to being inside their crates

Dog Handing Outside The Car Window With It's Ears Blowing In The WindTo ensure that your pets won’t be extremely stressed out on moving day, let them get familiar with spending time in their crate before moving day. A few days before moving day, entice them into the crate with treats. Have them spend an increasing amount of time it he crate each day, this way, it will be much easier for you to convince them to get in the crate when it’s time to leave.

5. Introduce them to the new space slowly

Bird Inside Small CageMoving to a completely new environment can be consuming and overwhelming for a pet. Introduce your pet to the new space in stages. Make sure the room is completely unpacked and set up before you bring your pet in so that it knows the space in its final layout. Put some of their favorite toys and treats in the room and once adjusted, slowly introduce them to the rest of the house.
