5 Tips for De-Cluttering Your Home

5 Tips for De-Cluttering Your Home

As you decide on your resolutions for 2014, The Junkluggers is here to help you make a fresh start by donating or recycling your old clutter to make room for the new you this year.

Many people make resolutions to lose weight and get in shape in the New Year. But what about homes? The Junkluggers are experts in cutting clutter weight and getting your home in shipshape. With an eco-friendly twist on junk removal, and a commitment to local communities, The Junkluggers team offers these helpful tips to de-clutter your life in 2014:

1. Your “Junk” Can Be Someone Else’s Treasure
So many people worry about parting with furniture since long-owned items can hold such sentimental value. Some items have been around so long they even feel like they’ve become part of the family. Here at The Junkluggers we make a point of donating or recycling all of the “junk” we remove, so you can feel good knowing that your couch – with so many happy memories tied to it – can go to a needy person or family to create new memories and give them a happier 2014.

2. When In Doubt, Make a List
Go through your house and create a list of all of the things that could be donated, then prioritize it. When you take a comprehensive look at all the things that you have, it’s easier to decide about what to donate. Using the eco-friendly junk removal offered by The Junkluggers will give you peace-of-mind in the new year free of clutter.

3. An Organized Home Leads to An Organized Life
It’s very feng shui, but the more organized and complete you feel in the place where you live, the more organized you’ll be in your personal life. It will be much easier to start making your resolutions and executing your personal plan to reach goals if you aren’t distracted by how cluttered and disorganized your living space looks. When you can sit in a clean and de-cluttered space, it will lead to better planning and goal-setting for things such as getting in shape, making more time for your family, and having a more efficient and productive work life.

4. Think Beyond Yourself
A lot of times it’s easy to see what you might not want or what you might see as important, but talk to your family and find out how they feel about the items you’ve furnished and decorated your home with. You may be surprised to know that your teenage daughter absolutely hates your couch, or that your spouse has always shared the desire for a bigger TV. Getting input from the ones that you love will make it easier to decide what stays and what goes.

5. Create Your Happy Place
Where do you go to think? To work? To have your “me” time? It’s important to feel comfortable and happy with your surroundings for your personal time. Now, once you’ve established your spot, decide what it is that will improve it and what might be hampering it. Get rid of the things that aren’t maximizing your enjoyment of your “happy place” and list out the things that you could buy to improve the place you go for those moments of “me time.”
