5 Common Items Thrown Away During the Holidays

Junkluggers Holiday Cleanup

The Junkluggers aim to keep reusable junk out of landfills!

It’s no secret that tons of waste is produced during the holiday season. What many people don’t realize is how long this waste takes to decompose and the effect it has on the environment. Some items are not biodegradable, and others will end up in landfills polluting the soil and water or make its way into the ocean where it will harm marine life. Source

These are some of the most common items disposed of during the holiday season and how long they take to decompose. As a nation, let’s recycle, donate, reuse, or find environmentally friendly alternatives for these items. We can reduce the energy and resources it takes to make these items as well as prevent them from ending up in landfills.

  1. Plastic - Time to decompose: Up to 1000 years!

    Not only are plastic bags used often and thrown out fast during the holidays, we also see many plastic decorations that are only used once and thrown away. Bring a reusable bag for your grocery shopping and avoid one-time plastic decorations.

  2. Batteries - Time to decompose: 100 Years

    Many holiday decorations run on batteries to light up or move around. Make sure you dispose of these batteries properly or avoid them when possible.

  3. Christmas Lights - Time to decompose: Not biodegradable

    Since Christmas lights are not biodegradable, do not throw them away! Try to reuse your lights year after year and when they are no longer any good, make sure you dispose of them properly. Did you know there are solar powered Christmas lights? Consider making the switch to solar powered lights to save energy and save on your electricity bill.

  4. Paper and Cardboard Boxes - Time to decompose: 2 weeks - 2 months

    This being said, wrapping paper with a plastic coating can take much longer! Switch to eco-friendly wrapping paper alternatives such as reusable fabric, newspaper, magazines, or paper bags. Also, if we can recycle all of the paper and cardboard from shipping, we can save space in landfills and reduce the number of trees cut down to make these materials.

  5. Tinfoil - Not biodegradable

    With all the leftovers after the holidays, store them in reusable eco-friendly containers rather than wrapping them in tinfoil. Additionally, plan out how much food you really need to cook so that you are not throwing away any leftovers.

These little changes can make a big difference!

As the New Year approaches, let's make it our resolution to find eco-friendly alternatives in our everyday life. In 2021, The Junkluggers will continue to keep as many items out of landfills as possible whether that means finding them a second home, recycling, or upcycling them!

At The Junkluggers we do all we can to give items a new life, and we offer a donation receipt for any items we are able to donate. We believe that it is our responsibility to better the environment and the communities we serve.
